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Super Charged Cache

By reducing the time it takes to access data, caching speeds up the performance of computers and applications. This is crucial for functions that require rapid data retrieval. In APIs, caching ensures that frequently visited URLs loads faster, providing a smoother experience for users.


Framework X uses Redis for caching. Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and message broker.


If not already installed, please install the dependencies below:

pnpm install redis


To use cache in Framework X, you need to add the set CACHE_ENABLED=true property in your .env file. There are 2 more keys available for cache configuration:

  • CACHE_UPDATE_INTERVAL - The interval in seconds to update the cache. Default is 10 seconds.
  • CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME - The time in seconds to expire the cache. Default is 60 seconds.

Auto update cache

Framework X automatically updates the cache every 10 seconds. You can change this interval by setting the CACHE_UPDATE_INTERVAL property in your .env file, provided the function and the parameters of the function from which the cache is generated.


const { setCache, getCache } = require("@3rdplanet/x-core/cache")

exports.index = async (req, res) => {
let responseData = await getCache(req.url)

if (responseData) {
return res.send(successResponse("cache found...", responseData.response))

let someCalculationAnswer = someCalculations(1, 1, 1)

setCache(req.url, someCalculationAnswer, {
function: someCalculations,
params: [1, 1, 1]
}).then(() => {})

return res.send(successResponse("cache in progress...", someCalculationAnswer))

The above code will cache the response of the someCalculations function. The cache will be updated every 10 seconds, by running the someCalculations function with the parameters [1, 1, 1]. You can access the updated cache by response property of the responseData object.

If the req.url is not access in CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME, the cache will automatically delete itself.

If the same request on req.url is made within CACHE_EXPIRE_TIME, the response will be returned from the cache and the update will continue in the background every CACHE_UPDATE_INTERVAL.

Available methods

Framework X provides the following methods for cache which can be accessed by require("@3rdplanet/x-core/cache"):


Returns true if cache is enabled, otherwise false.


Returns the cache update interval in seconds from the .env file.

getCacheClient(config = null)

Returns the Redis client. If the config is not provided, the default config will be used from the .env file. The config parameter is an object with the following properties:

  1. host - The Redis host. Default is null.
  2. port - The Redis port. Default is 6379.
  3. password - The Redis password. Default is null.
  4. username - The Redis username. Default is null.
  5. database - The Redis database. Default is 0.


Returns the cache data for the provided key. If the cache is not found, null will be returned. The returned data is an object with the following properties:

  1. key - The cache key.
  2. response - The response from the cache.
  3. last_accessed - The last accessed time of the cache.
  4. last_updated - The last auto updated time of the cache.

setCache(key, response, updater = null)

Sets the cache data for the provided key. The response parameter is the response to be cached. The updater parameter is an object with the following properties:

  1. function - The function to be called for auto update.
  2. params - The parameters to be passed to the function.


Deletes the provided cache object which is returned from the getCache method.

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  • Share the project with your friends and colleagues, any and all support is appreciated. 🙏
  • If you find this Framework useful, We will always appreciate a strong cup of coffee.